Guide for Authors

Tutorial Videos 

Author Guide Video

Reviewer Guide Video

Editor Guide Video 


Instruction for authors.

  1. The author must submit a research paper of three copies (two of them without author names and institutional affiliation).

  2. The submitted research paper must be written on the computer in the English language and is required to be unpublished in any other journal.

  3. The research activates shouldn't be exceeded 5 years prior to the date of submission.

  4. The paper should be submitted on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom and sides), double-spaced line and 14 point, Times New Roman font.

  5. All non-textual elements (tables, figures, illustrations, etc.) should be self-explanatory and appear in the manuscripts as near as possible to the place where they are referred to in the text.

  6. Duplication between figures and tables should be avoided.

  7. Measurement units used in the papers should be met the International System of Units (SI).   

  8. Papers should be organized under: Abstract (200-300 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, References and Arabic abstract.

  9. The complete list of references should be placed at the end of the manuscript (before the Arabic abstract) and arranged in alphabetical order, and given in the following form: author's surname, initials, year of publication, full title, source name, volume and page number (kindly see the following example):

Pethybridge, S.J.; Gent, D.H.; Hingston, L. and Frost, P. (2014). Quantifying the effects of uniconazole on growth and yield of pyrethrum in Australia. New Zealand J. Crop and Hort. Sci., 10(2):38-43.). 

  1. In case of accepting the research; researchers must make the required modifications of the reviewers and returning them promptly to the editorial board.
  2. Authors receive 12 reprints free of charge. Extra reprints may be purchased and must be ordered as soon as the paper has been accepted for publication.

Short brief about the journal:

Scientific Journal of Flowers and Ornamental Plants is a specialist scientific journal issued by the Scientific Society for Flowers and Ornamental Plants (registered under No. 5144/2013 – Giza - Egypt). The main objective of the journal is to encourage scientific research in the field of flowers and ornamental plants and in turn to develop this important sector. The journal is published in yearly volumes, each one including four numbers issued in the months of March, June, September and December. The first issue of the journal has been published in March 2014. Since the beginning, 3 volumes, 8 issues and more than 60 specialist research papers have been published (till June 2016). The following themes are covered by the journal: Flowers and ornamental plants, Landscape gardening, Botanical gardens, Timber Trees and Forestry, Medicinal and aromatic plants, Palms & palm-like, Postharvest of cut flowers and green leaves, Ornamental plants handling , Tissue culture (for ornamental plants), Soil-less culture  (for ornamental plants), Organic culture  (for ornamental plants) and Ornamental plants breeding.


Charges information: 

For Egyptian researchers

SSFOP member = 750 L.E.

Non-SSFOP member = 850 L.E.

Extra reprint copies = 25 L.E./copy.